2024 Year in Review: Young Adult Items

It’s been another good year for young adults at SCFPL! Here are some highlights about items for young adults that circulated at our library this year. 1070 young adult physical items were checked out by our patrons. Of those, 61% were owned by the St Croix Falls...

2024 Year in Review: Children’s Services

It’s been another great year for children’s services at SCFPL! Here are a few highlights: 507 people attended 46 children’s programs throughout the year, plus another 387 attending our 9-week summer collaboration with Dresser Public Library. Kids...

2024 Year in Review: Items for Adults

It’s been another good year for St Croix Falls Public Library! In total, our 2,202 patrons with St Croix Falls library cards borrowed 28,135 physical items, 171,980 e-books and e-audiobooks, asked 2,392 questions, and used library computers 1,164 times! Here are...

News Flash! SCFPL Replaces Librarians with AI

Dear valued patrons, We are thrilled to unveil an exciting development that will take our beloved library into the future: the introduction of our groundbreaking LibroBots! After extensive research and consultation with tech experts, we are proud to announce that we...